Final June Bugs Parade!
As we come to the end of another month, we close yet another daily listing challenge club, the June Bugs will be buzzing off to make room for the July Jewels!
Considering we are in the middle of an economic cash flow problem, the June Bugs did amazingly well with over 800 collective sales for the whole month, and each sale was celebrated with bug boogies galore.
So to see the June Bugs off in style, I thought I would show some of my favourite items from today's listings, all colourful, gorgeous, bright and precious.
Please click on the pictures to really appreciate these items in all their bug boogie glory.
May I start with my own listing today, very fitting which I thought for the June Bugs, a bumble bag!
Beautiful pink glass pendant creation!
I hope you have enjoyed looking through these bug-tastic finds from Folksy today and over the whole month, looking forward to treasures and jewels in July!
Thank you everyone!