Fly Away Birdies!
As Autumn well and truely takes grip and winter is not far away, I was watching some of the birds gathering and thinking of them flying away to warmer climes and wishing I could do the same too, LOL!
And as the October daily listing club finishes, being the October Owls, and the November club commencing, being November Nexus, (a bonded group) I felt a Folksy Friday to say goodbye to some of our feathered friends might be appropriate.
The October Owls had a very good collective month, reaching just under 700 collective sales, which I think is fantastic during this current financial climate, and November Nexus is gaining its own flock of sales, averaging 20 collective sales a day so far!!!!
My Folksy Friday Flock!
Please come and take up your binoculars and become a twitcher for some of my birdie finds this Friday.
Flying, fluttering or just perching ready to burst into song, I have a mini flock of six birds, or all varieties to showcase today.
Just peck, sorry click, on the picture to be flown to the shop in question, for full details and more lovely photographs of the pretty birdies.
I hope you have enjoyed my Friday flight of fancy and take time to visit the shops and maybe leave me a comment or two.
Thank you.